Friday, May 31, 2013

R.OD. x Edai - We Bangin' (video)

Produced by Rio.

Mike Bonds, Chet Chet x Bodi Deeder - Hollywood (video)

Bo Deal, Ebone Hoodrich, Alley Boy x Eldorado Red - Low It

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chatman Boys Explaining #NOTALKING

Chicago News and Weather | FOX 32 News CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - "No Talking" t-shirts have sparked many conversations in Chicago lately. The men behind the design say the shirts are positive, but Chicago police say the shirts are popping up in high crime neighborhoods and intimidating witnesses. "There's something going on as far as people wearing no talking t-shirts," Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said Tuesday. FOX 32 explored the real meaning of the circulating phrase from the original source on Tuesday. The t-shirts were designed by two Chicago brothers who were looking for a way to heal after the death of their brother. Mike Chatman was killed in August of 2010. His murder still unsolved. "We lost our brother and no one has spoken up for that yet," Chatman said. The Chatman brothers say the "no talking" phrase and apparel are intended to be ways to motivate people into taking action against violence – instead of just talking about it. "Everybody always talking about what they're going to do," Marcus Chatman said, "basically, not letting their actions speak for what they're doing. So I use the words no talking to make them step up on their action." T-shirts, caps, cups and jackets bearing #NoTalking are sold exclusively on the company's website, and the hash-tag has gained strength on Twitter. It's an easy phrase that's supposed to be positive. But recently, police sources told FOX 32 News that the "no talking" gear is showing up at crime scenes, while investigators are talking to possible witnesses about gang and gun violence. "He should've put more on that than 'no talking.'" People who live in one of Chicago's high crime areas told FOX 32 that the shirts are confusing. "I would say, to be honest with you, keep my mouth closed," LaRue Jones said. "Well, when you say no talking, that's basically saying don't talk to the police," Angela Banks said. "That's not saying don't talk amongst ourselves. That's basically saying don't tell the police anything." "I would say it's a good thing," Phylisa Berry said. "But then, more people would come out and say something if they know that but a lot of people are hush-hush because they don't want to get hurt." The Chatman brothers say no matter what people think, their message is positive and it will stay that way. You can follow the brothers on Twitter @Chatmanboys88 @Chatmanboys89 and use #NoTalking to join the conversation. Read more:

Man Gets Sentenced for Wrigley Field Bombing Plot

A Chicago man who planted a backpack he thought contained a bomb outside Wrigley Field three years ago on a busy Saturday night was sentenced to 23 years in prison in federal court this afternoon.
Sami Samir Hassoun was nabbed in an FBI sting in 2010 after an informant tipped authorities off about his desire to unleash a violent attacks on the city, according to the charges against him. Undercover agents who met with Hassoun over several months secretly recorded him discussing his plans. They then provided him with an inert bomb after he scouted Wrigleyville and picked and exact location for the Sept. 19 attack.
Hassoun apologized to his family, the court and to "the people who were there that night in Wrigleyville" in an emotional statement to the court.
"I totally accept responsibility and accept the consequences," he said.
Hassoun pleaded guilty last year to charges of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and of an explosive device. U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman sentenced him.
Authorities said Hassoun never posed an imminent danger – though he intended to cause much harm. His plots, they contend, were intended to cause political instability in the city.
“If the bag that Hassoun left in that Clark Street trash receptacle had contained the type of explosive device Hassoun thought was secreted therein, the results would have been catastrophic,” federal prosecutors wrote in a sentencing memorandum in which they sought a 30-year sentence.
Hassoun’s defense attorneys had argued for a 20-year sentence, citing Hassoun’s childhood in two war-torn countries and his troubled life as a young adult in Chicago. In a letter he personally wrote to Gettleman, Hassoun, 25, spoke of emotional trauma from growing up in the Ivory Coast and then Lebanon and of how this led to problems with alcohol and drug use.
“I came to a point where I didn’t feel fear,” he wrote. “I didn’t feel anything, not even death itself.”

Bruus x Blanco Caine - I Ain't Tryna Hear It BTS

Check out behind the scenes footage from "I Ain't Tryna Hear It" Bruus and Blanco Caine collab.

Lil Durk Announces His Signing to Coke Boys

Lil Durk sits down with Sway and discusses his signing with Coke Boys among other things. Check it out. 

Spenzo- Slid (video)

King Louie - Roll Up The Dope (video)

YP - I Like That In You (video)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chief Keef Arrested Again


Rapper Keith F. Cozart, better known as Chief Keef, was arrested when he blew past police going 110 mph on the Edens Expressway, Northfield officials said.

Monday's arrest comes a week after Cozart was charged with disorderly conduct after Georgia police say hotel security smelled marijuana smoke coming from his room.

Cozart, 17, was behind the wheel of a 2011 BMW X6 M, heading north about 3:45 a.m. at Winnetka Road, when a Northfield police officer spotted him, said Northfield Deputy Chief Claude Casaletto.

"He was clocked at 110 in a 55 mph zone," Casaletto said. "The officers typically sit off on the shoulder and wait for speeders. He came up as a high number."

The officer pulled over Cozart and found three other men in the car with him. He was taken into custody, and one of the passengers was allowed to drive the BMW away. Casaletto said.

Cozart was brought to a police station and was cited for going 110 in a 55 mph zone and having too many passengers, the deputy chief said. Cozart has a driver's permit which only allows one passenger with him.

The police report listed Cozart's address as in the 600 block of Pfingsten Road in nearby Northbrook. He is scheduled to appear in courtroom 101 at the Skokie Courthouse at 10:30 a.m. on June 17, said Casaletto.

Last week Monday, Cozart was arrested at the LeMeridan Hotel at 111 Perimeter Center West in Dunwoody, north of Atlanta, according to a spokesman for the Dunwoody Police Department.

Hotel security alerted police shortly before 3 p.m. about illegal drug activity at the hotel. The security told police they had noticed a smell of marijuana coming from the room. Officers arrived and spoke with Cozart, then arrested him for disorderly conduct for smoking marijuana, according to a police report.
When told of Cozart's other run-ins with the law, Casaletto said of Monday’s arrest: "It's negative publicity as far as we're concerned."

Slaying of 6 Month Old Baby Girl Continues

Koman Willis stood in court today, thumbs hooked in the back of his jeans, as he listened to a prosecutor describe how vengeance over a stolen video game drove Willis to fatally shoot 6-month-old Jonylah Watkins as she was being held by her father.

Willis had “told others that he would shoot the people responsible for the burglary of his mother’s home,” Assistant State’s Attorney Heather Kent told a judge. “The defendant also told one of the people he believed was responsible for the burglary that he was ‘going to kill him’ when he caught him."

Willis, 33, had suspected Jonathan Watkins, 29, of stealing the video game system from his mother's home. On March 11, he opened fired as Watkins and his baby daughter sat parked in a minivan in the Woodlawn neighborhood. A bullet entered Jonylah's right shoulder and traveled down through her left thigh. She died the following day. Her father survived multiple gunshot wounds.

Kent said Watkins was in the front passenger seat of his van, changing his daughter’s diaper, at the time of the shooting. “Jonathan lifted Jonylah up to kiss her when the defendant approached and fired multiple gunshots into the van,” Kent said.

Witnesses saw the gunman run back to a Chrysler van and speed north through the alley. Surveillance cameras in the area captured a van matching the description of Willis’ girlfriend's vehicle fleeing the scene down 63rd Street, according to Kent.

Immediately after the shooting, Willis made phone calls to witnesses and arranged to have the van parked in an enclosed garage, where the license plates were removed from the vehicle, Kent said. Records show Willis' cell phone was pinging from towers in the area of the shooting at that time, Kent said.

Willis also made admissions to other people that he had seen Watkins driving in the neighborhood, went and got his gun and then opened fire on the van, Kent said.

Willis “told others that he would shoot the people responsible for the burglary of his mother’s Chatham home,” Kent said. “The defendant also told one of the people he believed was responsible for the burglary that he was ‘going to kill him’ when he caught him."

Law enforcement sources said whoever stole the game system sold it to someone else in the neighborhood. When the new owner hooked up the system at home, he saw it belonged to Willis, a fairly well-known figure in the neighborhood and a convicted felon with more than three dozen arrests dating to 1996.

Not wanting any trouble, the new owner returned the game console to Willis and told him the nickname of the person he bought it from, one of the sources said. Willis then figured out that person was Watkins, the source said.

Willis began questioning people about Watkins, and a short time later fired on Watkins' minivan as he sat with Jonylah in the front seat, police said.

Police have not located the van or the gun, Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said Monday. Authorities identified Willis as a possible suspect early in the case, but they did not have enough evidence to charge him until detectives persuaded several witnesses to fully cooperate with the investigation last week.

Willis turned himself over to police Saturday, accompanied by his attorney. He did not give a statement, McCarthy said.

"Mr. Willis has been a suspect for a very long time," McCarthy said. "The question was whether or not we could show it in a court of law."

Investigators were able to track down acquaintances of Willis to aid in the case, a law enforcement source said. The acquaintances had earlier been stopped on the street by police while they had been with Willis and police had kept a record of those contacts. One of those acquaintances, who is on probation, told investigators last week that Willis spoke to him about how he shot Jonylah and her father, the source said.

Word had gotten back last week to Willis that investigators were putting pressure on his acquaintances, according to the source, before his lawyer agreed to turn Willis in to Area Central police headquarters on Saturday.

Willis, whose street nickname is “K.O Killer,” is a known Gangster disciple, according to court records. Prosecutors said his criminal record includes a 2002 conviction for aggravated assault of a police officer for which he received three years in prison. He also has several felony drug convictions, prosecutors said.

Willis’ attorney, Robert Fisher, told the judge he planned to argue for a bond at the next hearing, scheduled for June 6.

After court, Fisher said Willis voluntarily turned himself in to police on Saturday because it “was the appropriate thing to do” once he learned that detectives were looking for him. Willis made no statements to detectives before he was charged, Fisher said.

Fisher called the case “a horrible situation where a very young child was shot and killed,” but questioned why Willis was not charged until two months after the alleged crime.

“I suppose the only thing that could exacerbate the situation would be to prematurely charge somebody for that offense,” Fisher told reporters. “I’m sure the police were diligent from  the very beginning, and now all of a sudden either new witnesses…were discovered, or perhaps there are old witnesses that are making new stories.”

Like Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old high school student fatally shot less than two months earlier, Jonylah made national headlines as yet another young victim of gun violence in Chicago.

More than 500 people were killed in the city last year, the vast majority by gunfire. It was the first time Chicago passed that number since 2008.

Man Charged in Slaying of 6 Month Old Baby Girl

Six-month-old Jonylah Watkins was fatally shot over a stolen video game console, Chicago police said Monday as they announced an arrest in a slaying that has come to symbolize the city's deadly gun culture.
Authorities charged Koman Willis, 33, with killing the infant and shooting her father while they sat parked in a minivan in the Woodlawn neighborhood on March 11. A bullet entered Jonylah's right shoulder and traveled down through her left thigh. She died the following day. Her father, Jonathan Watkins, survived multiple gunshot wounds.
Jonathan Watkins, 29, had been Willis' target "in retaliation for a stolen video game system," police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said. The animosity began after a game system was taken from Willis' Chatham apartment and sold to someone else in the neighborhood, according to law enforcement sources.
When the new owner hooked up the system at home, he saw it belonged to Willis, a fairly well-known figure in the neighborhood and a convicted felon with more than three dozen arrests dating to 1996. Not wanting any trouble, the new owner returned the game console to Willis and told him that he purchased it from Watkins, one of the sources said.
Willis began questioning people about Watkins, and a short time later he opened fire on Watkins' minivan as he sat with Jonylah in the front seat, police said. Willis then escaped in a blue conversion van spotted on surveillance video near the scene, according to authorities.
Authorities identified Willis as a possible suspect early in the case, but they did not have enough evidence to charge him until detectives persuaded several witnesses to fully cooperate with the investigation last week.
"Mr. Willis has been a suspect for a very long time," McCarthy said. "The question was whether or not we could show it in a court of law."
Investigators were able to track down acquaintances of Willis's - people identified as either getting arrested or stopped on the street with him at some point - to aid in the murder case, a law enforcement source said. One of those acquaintances, who was on probation or parole, told investigators last week that Willis had spoken to him about how he shot Jonylah and her father, the source said.
Word had gotten back last week to Willis that investigators were putting pressure on his acquaintances, according to the source, before his lawyer agreed to turn Willis in to Area Central police headquarters on Saturday.
While in custody, Willis did not make any statements to investigators, the source said. The investigators have not been able to find the murder weapon or the van Willis allegedly used to flee from the crime scene.
Willis is expected in bond court Tuesday. His lengthy criminal record includes aggravated assault of a police officer from a 2002 incident in which he was sentenced to three years in the Illinois Department of Corrections, a 2007 conviction for drugs for which he was sentenced to one year in prison, and a conviction for a 2005 drug charge for which he received a year in prison. He also has a 1998 weapons charge for which he received probation.
In the days following Jonylah's death, McCarthy suggested the shooting was gang-related because of Watkins' criminal history and his inclusion in a gang database maintained by the Police Department. Willis also has gang ties, McCarthy said Monday, but the superintendent no longer believes gang affiliations played a role in Jonylah's death.
"We believe that the motivation was burglary," McCarthy said. "Sometimes it's hard to separate that out. You've got two gang members involved in a shooting, you naturally assume that it was gang-related. But sometimes it's over a girl; sometimes it's over narcotics. It could be over anything."
Throughout much of the investigation, authorities privately questioned Watkins' willingness to help detectives. Relatives, however, insisted he wanted his daughter's killer caught and that he had spoken candidly with authorities after being released from the hospital.
McCarthy — who publicly had said "there was a lot more" Watkins could do to help police — gave a lukewarm endorsement of the family's cooperation.
"There was a lot of interviewing that went on with Jonathan's family," McCarthy said. "Some of it was helpful and some of it wasn't."
The Rev. Corey Brooks, a family spokesman, said they spent Monday morning at their daughter's grave and had prayed for her killer's arrest since March. Jonathan Watkins — who is not expected to be charged with burglary in the case — will make a public statement Tuesday, Brooks said.
"They are very grateful and thankful," Brooks said of family members. "Hopefully they will be able to put this part behind them and go forward."
Like Hadiya Pendleton, a 15-year-old high school student fatally shot less than two months earlier, Jonylah made national headlines as yet another young victim of gun violence in Chicago.
More than 500 people were killed in the city last year, the vast majority by gunfire. It was the first time Chicago passed that number since 2008.
Following Hadiya and Jonylah's deaths, activist Beverly Reed-Scott helped organize the Young People's Peace March and Rally to call attention to the children suffering on the South Side. They scheduled the event for Memorial Day, the typical start of the summer season and often deadly months in the city's crime-plagued neighborhoods.
Following Hadiya and Jonylah's deaths, activist Beverly Reed-Scott helped organize the Young People's Peace March and Rally to call attention to the children suffering on the South Side. They scheduled the event for Memorial Day, the typical start of the summer season and often deadly months in the city's crime-plagued neighborhoods.

"We were already reeling from Hadiya's death, but when baby Jonylah was shot, there was a wave of fear that reached all of us. We thought 'not the babies. Please, not the babies,'" Reed-Scott said.

About 100 schoolchildren participated in the march, which kicked off just a few blocks from President Barack Obama's home near Washington Park. Caitlyn Smith, 8, addressed the crowd, reading a short speech from her "Hello Kitty" notebook.
"Violence isn't the answer," she said. "If violence is the first thing that you think about when there's a problem, think again."
Carlee McKinney, 12, said he stopped playing outside after the deaths of Hadiya and Jonylah because he was scared. His fears have ebbed somewhat recently, but he still prefers to stay inside with the doors locked.
"I want it to get better, so maybe being in this march will help," he said.
The march ended just as police scheduled a news conference to announce Willis' arrest. Reed-Scott saw the criminal charges as an affirmation of the rally's purpose.
"It's amazing to have (Willis) arrested on the day that we stand up for peace," she said. "It shows that the universe wants the violence to end."
Tribune reporters Carlos Sadovi, Jennifer Delgado and Stacy St. Clair contributed.

Lil Bibby x Lil Herb - Know They Role

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Strip Life Trailer (video)

Coming to a computer screen near you, "Strip Life" is a new reality series following the boss behind KOD Chicago, Kimmie Kim. Check out the trailer for what's to come.

Chicago Man Shot in Cal City

A man from the South Side was shot to death in Calumet City early Thursday morning, according to authorities.
Charles Keller, 35, of the 5800 block of South Michigan Avenue in the Washington Park neighborhood, was pronounced dead at 2:35 a.m. at Advocate Christ Medical Center, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office said.  
Keller was shot in the chest several times around 1 a.m. in the 15200 block of Freeland Avenue in the  south suburb, authorities said.
Details were not available from police.

Teen Charged In Slaying

 A 17-year-old boy used a marijuana purchase as a ruse to get close enough to a 16-year-old boy to shoot him six times in the Back of the Yards neighborhood on the South Side earlier this week, prosecutors said today. Joel Batalla, 17, is charged with the killing of Angel Cano, 16, on Tuesday in the 4300 block of South Paulina Street. Batalla was ordered held without bail in a hearing midday today in Cook County Central Bond Court. Cano, of the 2200 block of West 50th Place, was shot several times on Tuesday, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office. He was pronounced dead on the scene at 5:35 p.m. Batalla is a member of the Latin Saints and Cano was a member of the Satan Disciples, according to Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Amanda Pillsbury. Cano arranged to buy marijuana from Batalla and another person, and Batalla at some point learned Cano was part of a rival gang, prosecutors said. When Cano met Batalla to buy the marijuana about 5:20 p.m. Tuesday, Batalla led him and two other people through an alley and into a gangway near Paulina, where Batalla told them to wait. Batalla walked north out of the alley, then returned about 10 minutes later, this time walking from the south after apparently having circled the block. Batalla sent one of the two other people to a store to buy Blunts--small cigars used to wrap marijuana--and the fourth person began to talk to Cano about the weather, telling him that it was "a beautiful day to smoke." "It's a beautiful day to get smoked," Batalla said, then pulled out a gun and shot Cano in the torso, prosecutors said. When Cano slumped over, Batalla shot Cano five more times in the head, prosecutors said. Batalla, who lives in the 2600 block of South Hillock Avenue in the Bridgeport neighborhood, ran away to a home on Paulina Street, and after wrapping the gun in his shirt and the shirt of one of the witnesses to the shooting, gave the gun to another. Batalla has a pending aggravated unlawful use of a weapon case pending in Juvenile Court, prosecutors said. Batalla's next court date was not immediately available. Twitter: @ChicagoBreaking Copyright © 2013 Chicago Tribune Company, LLC

SpunkBagzz - Fu Fu (video)

Spenzo - Day in The Life Of Ep. 2

YP - This'll Do

Lil Durk Talks Coke Boys

Lil Durk talks the collab with Coke Boys plus more. Check it out.

Viru, Blanco Caine x Talented AsKB - For The Record

This joint will appear on Blanco's "White America" as well as Viru's "Mr. Late Night."

Lil Herb - Cashin'

L.E.P. Bogus Boys, Mase x Lil Wayne - Commas (video)

L.E.P. Bogus Boys take it down to Miami for the visual to their hit, "Commas" featuring Lil Wayne.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Powerfest 5 Presents T.I. Live @ Adrianna's

If you missed T.I. performing live at Adrianna's this past weekend, check it out above.

Diverse Marley, Kevin Kelly x Lawelz - Body Bag

Zo Bandz - Here (video)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

BTS @W/ Chief Keef x Gucci Darker Video

Get More: Music News
MTV's Rap Fix goes behind the scenes of "Darker" video shoot this past weekend in ATL.

Chief Keef - Macaroni Time (video)

Bang Pt. 2 Coming Soon. Shot by Azae Production.

Lil Bibby - IDGNF

Blanco Caine - Club Money (cover art)

The Following is a Supastar J Kwik exclusive! Calico Jonez of BMF, Swish Gang FT Blanco Caine  and Young Buck will be on Blanco's White America project as well as the song scheduled to drop this week.

Chet Chet - Sex, Money, x Drugs (mixtape)

Chet Chet is back with his latest mixtape on his birthday "Sex, Money & Drugs" partnered up with the Mixtape Mechaniks tandem of DJ Honorz & DJ Citi once again to bring you this heat right in time for the summer.

Man Gets 40 years for South Side Shooting

A Chicago man was sentenced to 40 years in prison for a 2010 shooting that left a man dead on his South Side porch, prosecutors said.

Cordero Amos, 25, was sentenced today by Cook County Judge James Linn at the George Leighton Criminal Courts building, according to Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez.

Amos was convicted in a March jury trial with the slaying of Lawrence Stubbs, 19, on the 8900 block of South Bishop Street, prosecutors said.

Amos co-defendant Robert Butler was convicted in a bench trial of second degree murder and sentenced to 13 years in prison.
Twitter: @ChicagoBreaking

2 Charged in Markham Murder

Two men were charged with first-degree murder for the shooting death of a man whose body was found in April in an unincorporated area in Thornton Township in the south suburbs, Cook County sheriff's officials said.
Brandon Johnson of Harvey and Lester Larkin of Riverdale were charged in the shooting death of Eddie Bell, of Markham, officials said.
Johnson, 27, and Larkin, 25, were ordered held without bail for the death of Bell, who was found dead on April 16 after sheriff's police were called to the 13800 block of South Thornton Road near Blue Island and Calumet Park and his body was found with multiple gunshot wounds.
Bell had been the subject of a missing person investigation conducted by the Harvey Police Department.
On March 30, Harvey police began investigating a crime scene at Johnson's home in the 14000 block of South Hoyne Avenue, where Bell was last seen and where gunfire had been reported.
When Harvey police executed a search warrant at the location, they found blood, weapons and cleaning materials, but no body.
Harvey police and Cook County Sheriff's Police officers worked together to identify Johnson and Larkin as the suspects in Bell's homicide, police said.
First degree murder charges were approved for both men on May 19.

South Side Shooting

A 19-year-old man was fatally shot in the South Side's Lake Meadows neighborhood in one of three shootings Monday night on the South and West Sides, officials said.
Torri Stewart, of the 900 block of East 81st Street, was shot in the head about 8:20 p.m. as he sat in a vehicle in the 3100 block of South Rhodes Avenue, authorities said.
He was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 11:41 p.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.
Later, about 9:30 p.m., four teenagers were shot in 5200 block of West Iowa Street, in the West Side's South Austin neighborhood.
The teens had been part of a large group involved in a fight on the street when a light-colored car pulled up and at least one person inside opened fired, Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Ron Gaines said.
Two of the injured, a 14-year-old boy with a graze wound and an 18-year-old woman shot in the arm, were taken to Loretto Hospital. A 19-year-old woman shot in the knee and a 17-year-old girl shot in the leg were both taken to Mount Sinai Hospital.
The conditions of all four teens were stabilized, Gaines said.
Also on the West Side, a 34-year old man was grazed in the shoulder in the 300 block of South Western Avenue, Gaines said. The shooting happened about 10:30 p.m. in the Near West Side neighborhood.
The bullet did not penetrate the man's skin, and he was treated and released from John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County.
No suspects are in custody in the three shootings as detectives investigate.
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Chief Keef Arrested

South Side rapper Chief Keef was arrested near Atlanta this week for disorderly conduct, two months after he was released from custody in Chicago for a probation violation.
Chief Keef, 17, was arrested in Dunwoody north of Atlanta Monday afternoon and booked under his real name, Keith Farrelle Cozart, on one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct. He was released on his own recognizance from the DeKalb County Jail around 3:20 a.m. today, a spokesman said.
Details of the arrest were not available.
In March, the rapper had completed a 60-day sentence for violating his probation on a gun conviction. A judge ruled he violated his probation by firing a rifle at a gun range during an on-camera promotion for his music last summer.
Chief Keef was originally sentenced to 18 months of probation for pointing a gun at a Chicago officer and was prohibited from having any contact with a firearm while on probation.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Capo x Chief Keef - Hate Me (video)

Gucci Mane x Chief Keef - Darker (BTS)

Chief Keef recently took a trip to Atlanta to shoot the video for "Darker" with Gucci Mane. Not sure when the video drops, but I'm sure it will be something to watch. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mac Mili x Ty Money - Damage

11 Shot in City Overnight

A teenage boy and two men were killed in three separate shootings Friday night and Saturday morning in Chicago, according to authorities.
At least eight others were also shot overnight on the South, West and Northwest Sides.
The first fatal shooting happened at 7:24 p.m. on the 7800 block of South Langley Avenue, said Chicago police news affairs officer Daniel O'Brien.
The victim, identified as Clifton Barney, 17, was shot in the chest and pronounced dead at the scene, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.
The victim was on the street when a man or boy came up to him and shot him once in the chest, said Police News Affairs Officer Jose Estrada. The shooter jumped into a tan, four-door car that drove west following the attack.
No one was in custody as Area South detectives investigate, O'Brien said.
About 8:05 p.m., another fatal shooting happened, this time in the South Austin neighborhood, in the 200 block of North Mayfield Avenue, said O'Brien.
A 40-year-old man was shot in the head and was taken in critical condition to Loyola University Hospital where he was pronounced dead a short time later, O'Brien said. The victim was identified as Ramar Bonner, 40, of the 700 block of North Lotus Avenue, and he was declared dead at 8:38 p.m. at Loyola, according to the medical examiner's office.
Someone ran up to the man and shot several times, hitting him in the back of the head before fleeing on foot, police said.
The third homicide of the night happened about 3:50 a.m. in the 4800 block of West Iowa Street, police said. Police found a man dead there with a gunshot wound. Someone had had a short argument with him before shooting him, police said.
This morning, a 27-year-old man lay a front lawn, shot in the head, part of the exit wound visible on the lower part of his face. He was surrounded by shell casings. 
It's not clear why he was shot, but his shooter appeared to have done so from close range, as a number of shells from a 9mm gun lay next to his body. 
Earlier, a 16-year-old boy was shot in the leg and had his condition stabilized at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Amina Greer said. Someone shot him in the 5400 block of West Wrightwood Avenue about 9 p.m., Greer said. The boy was walking with a few other people in the Cragin neighborhood when someone approached on foot and shot him. 
In addition to those shootings, two 18-year-old men were shot in the Englewood neighborhood, police said.
The shootings happened on the 5800 block of South Laflin Street at 10:20 p.m., according to Police news affairs officer Hector Alfaro. One of the men sustained a gunshot wound to his left calf and the other was shot in the hip, Alfaro said. Both were taken to John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, where their conditions had stabilized.
The two men shot were described by police as mutual combatants who had family members who fought each other earlier in the day, eventually leaving to the double shooting.
One of the men chased the other into his home at gunpoint and shot him once, police said. The second man returned fire, hitting the first. The second man is not cooperating with investigators, police said.
It’s not clear what their relatives were fighting over earlier in the day, though police said one man's relative was believed to be a drug dealer, another man's relative was believed to be a drug user.
It’s not clear if either of the two will face charges.
About 10:50 p.m., a 34-year-old man was shot on the 12000 block of South Perry Avenue in the West Pullman neighborhood on the Far South Side, police said. The man was standing outside when a light-colored SUV drove up and shot the man in the back and abdomen, police said. The man was taken in critical condition to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, police said.
In the Lawndale neighborhood, three people were shot on the 1200 block of South Kolin Avenue, police said. The shooting happened at 11:25 p.m., police said.
Police found three guns near a garbage can in an alley near the crime scene: two described by police as Tec-9 or similar-style handguns and one AK-47-style gun with wood components. 
Residents nearby described the gunfire as rapid and loud. At least two people approached the crowd and fired shots, tried to flee in a van but couldn't, left the van in an alley and ran south on Kostner, police said.
A 38-year-old man, 38-year-old woman and 27-year-old woman were shot outside. A van, still running, sat in the alley west of Kolin Avenue and south of Roosevelt Road. The youngest woman is in "grave" condition while the other two are in slightly better condition. 
About 3:35 a.m., a 20-year-old man showed up at Mount Sinai Hospital with a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. Greer said he was a passenger in a car near Division Street and Pulaski Road when another car pulled up and its occupants threw gang signs and shouted gang slogans before someone fired at the 20-year-old. He's in stable condition at the hospital. 
Twitter: @ChicagoBreaking

Bo Deal, Tray D x Yo Gotti - Top of Da World (video)

Chet Chet - Fell In Love (video)

Broadway x Castro - Rich Folks (video)

Directed by Cholly.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Jeremih - Karate Chop

Blanco Caine - Spendaholic

 As promised, Blanco has released the track to "Spendaholic" for all to enjoy! White America will be here May 28th people!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

BTS w/ King Samson "We Outta Here"

Yesterday, King Samson shot the video to one of his singles, "We Outta Here" alongside Lanipop co-starring. Be on the look out for the visual to drop, but for now enjoy behind the scenes photos. 

Blanco Caine - Spendaholic (artwork)

Check out the artwork to Blanco's next major single released, produced by C-Sick. "Spend-a-holic" is due to be released tomorrow! This track gives the people something to look forward to while we wait on the arrival of "White America" which is due to be released May 28. 

Millz x Shorty Don - Anti Fuck Shit

Boss Woo - Dope Shit (video)

BTS w/ Tink, Lil Herb x Lil Bibby

Yesterday, Tink, Herb x Bibby got together to shoot the visual to their single, "Kilo." Directed by Zae, you can't expect anything less than dope once the video drops.

Boss Woo - All Doped Up (mixtape)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lucci Vee - Marley (video)

Blanco Caine x Bodi Deeder - Gun Range (Mixtape)

Gun Range is finally here. Blanco and Deeder gave Chicago a sample of what's to come with "V12 Musik". Now, they aren't taking any prisoners with this one. Check it out!
Hosted by DJ Citi. 

2 Dead, 11 Wounded in Chicago

Two men were killed and at least 11 people were wounded -- one of them by police -- in shootings from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday morning across Chicago, police said.

One of the fatal shootings occurred around 12:40 a.m. when a gunman emerged from a gangway in the 6300 block of South May Street and opened fire on a passing car, police said.
Two men inside were struck and were taken to Stroger Hospital, according to Police News Affairs Officer Ron Gaines said. One of them, a 22-year-old man, was hit several times and died at the hospital. The other man, 36, was struck in the shoulder and was stabilized at the hospital.

Around 10:20 p.m. Tuesday, a shooter or shooters approached a vehicle in the 7700 block of South Damen Avenue and opened fire, police said
A 19-year-old man inside the vehicle was struck multiple times in the neck and face, police said.
He was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was pronounced dead, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.

Details of the shooting were not available from police. No suspects were in custody.

Among those wounded overnight was a man shot by police around midnight after pointing a gun at an officer in the 1600 block of East 83rd Street, authorities said.

Police officers heard gunfire and were told the shots came from a car. When they tried to stop the car, a passenger ran off and the officer chased him, police said. The man turned and pointed a gun at the officer and the officer fired, striking the man, according to police.

The man was taken to a hospital with injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening, according to Patrick Camden, a spokesman for the Fraternal Order of Police union.

In other shootings:
• About 2:35 a.m., two gunmen stepped out of a car and fired shots at a man walking by a gas station in the 8700 block of South Justine Street, police said. The 18-year-old man was struck in the leg and foot but refused medical attention, police said.

• About 2:10 a.m., a 27-year-old woman was shot while standing outside a liquor store in the 3900 block of West Arthington Street, Gaines said. She was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital in good condition.

• About 1:30 a.m., a man in his 30s was shot in the 6600 block of South Evans Avenue, police said. The man was struck in his left bicep and taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center, police said.

• About 10 p.m., an 18-year-old man was shot in both sides of his body in the 9600 block of South Carpenter Street, Police News Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro said.   The man was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where his condition was stabilized.

• A gunman fired shots from an alley in the Logan Square neighborhood, striking a man and a woman, police said.   The shooting happened about 8:10 p.m. in the 2100 block of North Campbell Avenue, authorities said

A 32-year-old woman suffered a gunshot wound to the thigh, and a 54-year-old man was shot in the leg, Alfaro.

Paramedics took the woman in serious-to-critical condition to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago Fire Department Chief Joe Roccasalva said. The man was taken  Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center in fair-to-serious condition.

The shooter fled in a red minivan and was not taken into custody, Alfaro said.

• Earlier in the Far South Side's South Chicago neighborhood, a 19-year-old man was shot in the forearm, police said.
The man was walking west on East 90th Street when he heard shots and realized he was struck near South Exchange Avenue, Alfaro said. He was taken to Trinity Hospital in good condition.

• In the South Shore neighborhood, two people were shot shortly after 4 p.m.

A 19-year-old man and a man in his 20s were wounded in the shooting, which happened in the 7700 block of South Burnham Avenue, News Affairs Officer Joshua Purkiss said, citing preliminary information.

The younger man was shot in the back, and the older man was shot in the back and the head, Purkiss said.

Paramedics took two people from the area to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in serious-to-critical condition, Roccasalva said.
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